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Descubre 1 - University of Wisconsin–Oshkosh
The past perfect subjunctive
el pretérito perfecto de subjuntivo
el pretérito perfecto de subjuntivo - Crest Ridge R-VII
El Subjuntivo con Deseo
Slide 1 - rykovichspanish
Presente Perfecto del Subjuntivo
Lección 8: Ciencia y tecnología
L04_03_Estructura - Crest Ridge R-VII
The Present Subjunctive with Expressions of Doubt
4.1 The subjunctive in adjective clauses
Subjunctive in adverbial clauses
El Subjuntivo - Norwell Public Schools
Spanish 2
Las conjunciones de TIEMPO: cuando debes usar el subjuntivo, y
Español II Srta. Forgue
Conjunctions with subjunctive or indicative
The past subjunctive
The Present Perfect of the Subjunctive
The subjunctive, feelings and emotions