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Data Management for XML: Research Directions
Efficient Evaluation of Regular Path Expressions in XML
How to Generate the new MS Office 2007 File Formats from 4GL
Evaluation of Dynamic Reconfigurable WWW
Holistic Twig Joins: Optimal XML Pattern Matching
Introduction to XML
Inc NetLibrary XML By Example
.NET Framework Overview and Base Classes
Serialization and XML - University of Pennsylvania
Slide 26-4
Computer Software
Beginning XML
Web Services
BT Wholesale CIO - CRM B2B Options
Database Design - Free University of Bozen
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Introduction to Programming
Relational Databases for Querying XML Documents: Limitations
Mobility Models and Analysis
XML Parsing in C# - Computer Science at RPI
Slide 1
COP 3813 Intro to Internet Computing
Enabling Collaboration for Healthcare Education